So... Most would have met the lovely maid-of honour during our wedding.... who waited, alas, a few short months (well, 10) before entering the institution herself.
Check out the blog for the drama (
We had the honour of playing roles at her recent wedding (after I survived a 23-hour non-stop record flight from Hong Kong to London THE WRONG WAY AROUND, arriving back in Singers the morning of the wedding... I am still debating the logic of the ordeal, but I flew business, which was rilly very nice.. so not entirely complaining... plus, the customised cocktails were brilliant!).
Pete was behind her invitations and wedding favours, and I, well, just drank loads of wine and made everyone do the cha-cha and make unplanned toasts... ah well.
But backtrack a week... She had a lovely civil ceremony just before I left - just close friends and family out at sea on The Rising Tide ( and vows taken to the tune of the sunset)
It was very beautiful, and, if I can be a little selfish, a lovely way for us to relive the vows we made.
Here's a sampling. 
Here's lookin' at you guys...
 And, just so you heard it here first....
Sam, Ling and Elaina will all be wed before 2006 is through, apparently ... I must have the biggest bridesmaid drop-off rate in history....
Slainte Art. |
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