We interrupt our usually programming for a little news update...
Tanlilingus aka Skinny aka Peaches aka One of Art's Bridesmaids is well on her way to becoming the lovely Mrs Ludovic Chouasne (Pronounced shoo-ann... er... we think)... 
One half of Team Williams roused at 6.30am to witness her tea ceremony this morning... and ungodly as the hour was, Art managed a couple of snaps to give you a glimpse of how stunning Lingus looked...  After tucking into wanton mee and watching Ling go through various stages of nerves, the gig was underway, with the morning festivities kicking off with the whole jie-mei haggling thing as soon as Ludo arrived. For the uninitiated, this is when the "sisters" or girlfriends of the bride make the groom - and his groomsmen - do all kinds of silly things and extort as much money as they can can before letting him near his bride. (Don't have pictures of that yet coz I was the last gatekeeper - stationed in the room with Ling).
Caught a glimpse of Ludo and gang suffering through the antics of the girls though - they had to wolf down sandwiches smothered in wasabe and nothing else, drink Guinness that had raw eggs cracked into it, do star jumps while rapping in French, and croon love tunes until the girls were satisfied and he got his bride. The things people do for love....
  The girls finally made off with a mixture of both Sing Dollars and Euro, small notes and big, so its safe to say everyone was pretty pleased... Except with the shrapnel he snuck into some of the angpows!! 
Incidentally, the groom also had to had to bring the family a dowry - which actually included two suckling pigs. Really. And much as I like pork, I couldn't stomach any of it. Apparently, the groom has to take the head and tail of the pig back home after. What he does with it then is anybody's guess.
 The tea stuff was kinda cool as well... especially hearing Ludo address everyone by their proper titles in Mandarin, and watching Luna (the dog) trying to get in on the action. 
As the ceremony ended, the rain came out of nowhere... Actually, Indians believe is a good omen I think - it signifies new beginnings (it rained just before our wedding too)... We hope it bodes well for them too... though we are all desperately hoping these showers of blessings will stop soon coz the solemnization is supposed to be on the open-air terrace!!
The festivities continue tonight...
Comments on "NEWSFLASH...."
wah lau you guys dam fast man! thanks so much for everything :). it couldn't have gone better and we love you so much!
is it you gertting married.wow,you have a lovely wife.