We are thick into the frantic shopping frenzy for stuff, and Art has developed a newfound obsession with all things wool.
She has gone ballistic buying all the winerwinter wear that catches her eye (or anyone else's), and has developed a newfound appreciation of the difference between jackets meant for
- 0 to 10 Degrees (Celsius) - good
- 10 to 15 Degrees (Celsius) - won't work in Ireland
- 15 Degrees and above (Celsius) - she wishes
She has also realised it is impossible to look glamorous while layering, even if Sex and the City tries to imply otherwise, and that she looks like a dork in a Beanie. But that has not stopped her from making HUGE wool acquisitions. In less time that it takes to blink, TeamWilliams (thanks to half of it) have become owners of: - Woolly scarves
- Woolly jumpers
- Woolly socks; and
- A Woolly brown beanie....
all thanks to Art's woolly head... And she's not done yet. Her argument - ""They may come in useful again!! Er... sometime..."" The weather has been somewhat inspiring for irrationally thick purchases. For the record, it has been the SIXTH day running of non-stop rain, rain and more rain. There seems to be an endless supply of water in the sky aimed directly at our heads and our washing. It has been fuar fluich (wet n cold) and pashminas, woolly sweaters and windbreakers have come out of the hiding all over the island... It begs the question: This is the Tropics???? Case in point: Art had dinner today with some bright spark who was wearing: - A three-quarter length fleece coat over her dress; and
- Knee high boots.
AND... Despite what tropical logic might tell you, she looked more sensibly dressed than anyone else in the restaurant, who were all feeling a lot colder, and probably thinking to themselves (while sniffing their damp T-shirts and staring at their half-drowned Moccasins: Why didn't I think of that? Yes. It is that bad. So much so, that Art thinks that we will see returns on our "investment" in the Immediate Term. In fact, she's wearing her brand new fleece pullover to work tomorrow. Slainte. |
Comments on "FUAR FLIUCH"
ya wear that fleece pullover. its like the arctic zone in there anyway.
and this word verification thing is STILL pissin me off. eeksxhx