Friday, March 31, 2006

CLICK N HELP (warning: slightly serious post ahead)

An appeal arrived in my inbox this morning asking for people to visit the The Breast Cancer Site to click on a little box, to "donate" a mammogram to an underpriveleged woman.

The chain letter claimed that the site wasn't meeting their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman.

Being the sceptic that I am, after visiting the site to verify if it was for real, I checked around for whether there was any truth to the claim.

And, well, more yes than no.

No, the site is not having trouble meeting its daily quota.

But yes, The Breast Cancer Site is very much real, and yes, if you click on the "donate a mammogram" button, they actually do go towards providing free mammograms to needy women in Mississippi, Puerto Rico, New York and LA, many of whom live in the inner city, earn low incomes and are homeless.

And, yes, their corporate sponsors/advertisers do use the number of daily visits to donate mammogram in exchange for advertising.

So while they haven't reach any point of desperation, they welcome more clicks towards the cause, because they do help.

Perhaps it might be happening to women far away, and maybe we need to do more in our own backyards to help women here, but hey, when its this simple to make a difference...

After all, it only takes a minute, and it costs you nothing. Why not?


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