Thanks to the vunderful Six Drunk Men, the good people who rescued Pete from a fate of drinking Guinness because they bring Beamish in straight from Cork, Team Williams found itself at the Standard Chartered Singapore Sevens last Sunday.
Of course, the slight problem is that while half of TeamWilliams used to play rugby, the other half knows next to nothing about it.
If you can imagine it:
Art: Pete, what you do call it when all of them hug and stuff? Like a huddle? A cuddle? Pete: Erm, a scrum? Art: Hmm. And why do they do that? Pete: It's like a free kick, they gotta get it to the try line. Art: Righto. Look, that man is cute! We're not sure what everyone made of the fact that she cringed in pain everytime someone got tackled. Sigh ...
That said, we both cheered - very loudly for Samoa (aiyoh, so cute) and Fiji (they played England in the final. No prizes for guessing the final score. Matt was NOT very happy.)
Oh, and next year, Art's convinced she will make us dress up, so for inspiration...

We have to say though, someone's gotta tip Mary off on what these chaps have been doing to her lamb. 
 Oh, we also popped into the post party, where we got up close with some of the ruggers themselves. And we bumped into some of our very favourite ladies.... Think the pictures are self explanatory.

Back to good ole fashion rambling after this... Or so we shall try. Slainte |
Comments on "SEVENTH HEAVEN..."
woah. some of these guys are delish!
Why thank you Peaches. Lots of love, Pete