I always worry when the wife goes off to her favourite Swedish furniture store (Note: IN PETE'S OPINION: WOOD NOT SUITABLE FOR THIS CLIMATE). She usually comes home with "stuff" - "stuff-we-don't-necessarily-need" kind of "stuff".
On her most recent trip, Art picked up two bendable plastic chopping boards. Not quite what you'd need in the kitchen, I think, they slip all over the place.
BUT... I noted a lovley texture on both surfaces. And I'm thinking... that there chopping board just might be 'optical friendly'.
While alone at home sick, I ventured into the kitchen with a grin on my face, all cautious like a small child going to steal cookies.
She had bought two colours, dark blue and white. Being a MAC user, it was a no brainer.
With the white one under my arm, I made off to the study!
The board (Note: WOOD NOT SUITABLE FOR THIS CLIMATE) worked a treat! My mice are very happy.

So think twice before you spend $10 or more on an optical mouse pad (A5 in size) in some fancy or not computer store. This one's is A3, costs less than S$5 and everyone is happy.
Well, almost everyone.
Art did a double take when she came home and found two mice on her former chopping board...
Editor's Note of June 28, 2006: The reason we have removed the name of Art's favourite furniture store is because someone, evidently, notified someone else that Pete's post was slightly "objectionable". We're not sure if the fella is a big fan of the store, or his optical mousepad sales have been hurt. But we haven't heard anything else of it... Maybe the powers that be had all their shelves bend in the humidity too.... Ah well.
Comments on "OF MICE AND MEN..."
Note from Art: In an attempt to compromise, I have tried to use the mousepad to chop my veges on. It holds exactly one onion. Sigh.
heh. great maiden post, tham! and kickass improv too.
Hahahhaha! Well done Pete!